Dad’s Great Advice for Teens

If you’re a teenager, the parent of a teenager, or somebody who knows a teenager who wants to get happy, be successful, and make good decisions, then you should read Dad’s Great Advice for Teens.

What kind of crazy father actually advises teens to…

  • Ignore their parents (if what their parents want doesn’t mesh with what they want)
  • Do dumb, risky things (as long as they’re not really dumb things)
  • Ignore everything their boyfriend/girlfriend says (and focus on what they do)
  • Dump their friends (if they aren’t the type of people they want to become)
  • Drink, vape, and do drugs (in a smart, disciplined way, and only if they’re determined to not wait)
  • Have sex (only if their heart and brain tell them they’re ready)

Dad’s Great Advice for Teens talks to teens on their own level without being preachy or unrealistic but doesn’t pull any punches.

Dad’s Great Advice for Teens includes 25 short pieces of Great Advice, filled with humour, wisdom, and inspirational quotes, to keep the attention of even the most distracted teen. It’s the perfect self-help survival and success guide for teens looking to build positive habits and get an edge up, and it’s a great gift from Dad, Mom, or anybody. (And it’s a great read for any parent trying to get into their kid’s head and understand what’s REALLY going on).

Check out some other independent publishers and hidden gems over at Duffy’s Book Blast! page.

Happy reading!