Judgement Call is the fifth in the Shards of Sevia series

Kiva is handsome, generous, and very much in love with recently-widowed Preen Enda. But the thought of becoming his wife fills her with dread—especially when men from her past—men who know too much—begin appearing in her peaceful town. It’s only a matter of time before her secrets are revealed. If Kiva learns the truth about what happened to Preen’s first husband, will he still want to become her second?

Author Q&A with E.B. Roshan

Welcome E.B.! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!

            I’m a mother, a home-maker, a gardener and, of course, a writer. While most of my life I’ve been nomadic, my family is temporarily settled in Philadelphia.

What inspired you to write this book?

            To tell the truth, it wasn’t any great inspiration or novel idea that sparked my imagination. It was the boredom that resulted from being stuck at home due to Covid that led me to try my hand at writing a book, which quickly became a series—Shards of Sevia. This book, Judgment Call, is actually the fifth in a planned six-book series.

            I’ve been reading and writing nearly my whole life, but the Shards of Sevia series is my first foray into self-publishing. These romantic suspense stories are set in the fictional nation of Sevia, a small country in Southeastern Europe.

What makes your story unique?

            Probably the most unique thing about my series (and this story) is the genre—it’s so unusual that I’m not sure there’s a single term to describe it, but I’m calling it Speculative/Romantic Suspense. Which is a mouthful.

            Though I’ve spent time in some of this world’s most troubled places, for these stories, I’ve chosen to create my own setting, inspired, but not based on, any place I’ve actually lived. This is partly because I loved the challenge of creating a whole world from scratch, but mainly because some of the major themes in this story, like war and racial hatred, are very sensitive topics.

            I didn’t want to entangle my fiction with real-world conflicts or political issues. Sevia is a place marked by ethnic conflict and violence, but, as you will see when you read the series, a great love story can happen anywhere.

Who would enjoy reading your book?

I’m writing for people who love old themes refreshed, new ways of looking at the world, and a romance story with the focus less on how people get together as on how they stay together.

What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?

My favorite word to overuse is “just” (in the sense of “only.”) We writers all have one—better to discover it sooner rather than later.

Also, inspiration only comes when you sit down and write.

How can we connect with you?

Visit my series website: https://shardsofsevia.wordpress.com

Connect on Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20265632.E_B_Roshan

Or…check out my Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B088FXJFTJ

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