International book fairs 2020

Aren’t book fairs some of the best events to hang out at? What if you could see a list of over one hundred book fairs across the globe, so you could visit, browse and buy your favourite reads whilst on your travels?

The good guys at Kotobee have again taken the time to pull together a comprehensive list of book fairs and events across the world for everyone to enjoy, wherever your travels may take you.

one hundred international book fairs to visit in 

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Who are Kotobee?

Kotobee was created to make books interactive and engaging.

When we first began creating digital publishing solutions in 2011, the digital publishing industry severely lagged behind. While online content and mobile apps had become increasingly interactive and personalized for users, digital publications remained static and dull. Only organizations and authors with budgets for expensive software agencies could create beautiful and engaging books for their readers.

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