So, those of you who follow my blog know that I tried and failed miserably at trying to attend a writing event recently.

I came up with a cunning plan.  I thought I would switch it up a bit and start with something I’m a little more comfortable with.  Reading.

My reading skills I’m pretty comfortable with!  I don’t have to stand in a room full of strangers and worry about whether I’m entitled to be there because I don’t read well enough.  I won’t need to sell myself or talk myself up, but I can certainly handle talking about characters in a book or what I felt a particular story was telling me.

So I am reading Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre will be attending a Sydney MeetUp on November 21.  Feel free to read the book with me!  Even if you aren’t in Sydney I would be interested to know what you all thought of it.  It will be like helping me with my homework!

It will also give me some motivation and support to attend.

I will keep you posted!