I have a new goal. I’m going to try my hand at networking. As my writing opportunities grow it’s clear I need to start mixing in the right circles if I’m going to succeed. So I thought that I would attend a writers event this week.

It was at a venue close to home and the perfect early evening time which suited me down to the ground. What did I do? Did I walk in and command the room, have them eating out of my hand and hanging on every word whilst handing out fancy business cards? No.

What I did do was slowly build anxiety from the late afternoon. Negative thoughts burrowed into my head; ‘who will be there’ ‘will they all be REAL writers’ ‘will I be out of my depth’. Add to that a mistimed call for support which pickpocketed the tiny piece if self confidence I had left. Result? I was a no show and have spent my evening instead of networking, sharing my failings with you all.

As I type this I am not feeling good, I feel rather pathetic and am kicking myself for not having the balls to go. In reality even if the event didn’t work for me I certainly wouldn’t feel any worse than I do now. Moral of the story?

Have a muggacino of harden up and get out there! It may not be the most comfortable evening but you will have achieved something and you won’t be beating yourself up in the morning.

I will try again and continue to share my networking experiences. I just hope next time I get as far as the venue entrance next time.  MAybe I should exude some David Brent confidence? How far will that get me?…

Feel free to share your experiences here particularly on overcoming that first nervous step!